Our Mission
To create positive change for women and children in Uganda through education, support, and love.
What will my donation be used for?
100% of your donation will be used for women and children. It will provide better access to education and help them realize that they can become important, responsible people. It will help women to become creative, supportive, and able to take on any of life's challenges. It will also provide better access to routine medical care such as antibiotics, immunizations, and tests for illness.
First Let'sDiscover
Discover what daily life is like for some of the women and children in Uganda. Aids, Malaria, and other diseases are running rampant. These women and children struggle with poverty, neglect, abuse, and lack of education to better their lives.
How You Can HelpDonate
Any donation can help to positively affect lives. It can provide meals, clothing, or counseling. It can send children to school to learn to read and write. It can teach new skills to women so that they can earn a sustainable income.
It's Up to UsChange
The world is becoming smaller with the technical connectivity that we enjoy. We need to take care of each other, and you can be the vehicle for positive change in Uganda. To impact and better lives of all women and children.